Friday, 28 March 2014

Little Update

Life has started to get busier here, with the ironic effect of giving me more things to write about, but less time to write! I shall try not to blabber on for too long, but give some snippets of what I have been up to and things I have been discovering about my new home for the next few months.


Classes continue to be interesting, and the teachers great fun. I spend most of my academic hours in the philological faculty, where I have my Russian classes. One of my teachers there is a master at facial expressions and the stage whisper which she uses to correct grammar mistakes, in order (I guess) to try and soften the blow. There have been some great moments, like when one of my classmates (and now friend) tried to ask the teacher what the word for “heretical” was. The teacher look confused and repeated back the word “erotic”. The smallest of errors can make a big difference.
I have also recently been employed by a tutoring company which has been fun putting on a teacher hat a few times a week. It has also had the affect of getting me into town more often, which is hard to motivate myself to do when it is very much possible to adopt a hermit existence at the uni. I mean that in all seriousness. Which other campus has not only cafeterias and cafes but bank machines, phone top-up machines, a flower shop, a clothes shop, a stationery shop, a tea shop, pharmacy and more besides??
View from the 11th floor of the philological faculty


Since I last wrote, I have been to two concerts, which couldn’t really have been more different. I have already mentioned my lovely neighbour from the Republic of Tuva (its part of Russia- look it up on Wikipedia!). She invited me to a New Years celebration (!) as Tuva follows the Lunar Calendar, meaning New Years was sometime in February (I think). The concert was a celebration of Tuvan culture, with everything being translated into both “Tuvan” and Russian. Some famous Tuvan celebrities made an appearance, including a young guy who has become relatively famous on YouTube for his “throat-singing” covers of popular songs. Watch the video below to discover what throat singing is… 

The other concert I went to was last Saturday, and took place in a tiny but beautiful concert hall in the Museum of the Contemporary History of Russia. The music was from Schubert and Beethoven and was played by a really high standard piano trio. The museum itself also looked really interesting and I hope to go back for a visit soon. There are just so many museums, theatres and concert halls here. Tomorrow I am heading off to the Tretyakov Gallery, probably the most famous art gallery here.


The past weekend and this week have been particularly positive, as I start to settle in more and get to see a bit more of the city. Yet there are still things that continue to baffle me here, and I am sure will do so until I leave. Something I have particularly noticed recently is the number of people employed for jobs that, quite frankly, I don’t understand the need for. For example, printing/photocopying documents is something that most people can work out how to do themselves, albeit with some help the first time. But here I have to pass over my memory stick and pay a man to do it for me. Likewise the washing machines, almost identical to the ones I had back at Cambridge, which even have a slot to put money in, are supervised by a woman at all times who, after you have waited in a queue for an available machine, places washing powder in the machine for you and after you have paid her 100 roubles, give you a 5 rouble coin to put into the machine. The most baffling are the women who sit outside SELF-SERVICE photo booths in the metro. I mean… there is a clue in the name! Sorry for the rant, clearly I have some issues to work through here!


One of the great things about living in a new place with few contacts and quite a lot of leisure time is the freedom to do lots of random things. On Tuesday night, for example, after going to a Bible study, it was suggested that we go outside to listen to the students playing music outside the uni building. Thus I spent a very surreal but pleasant half an hour being serenaded on the accordion and guitar, before I got a bit chilly and left. To that end, the weather here is somewhat bizarre at the moment, in that there is no snow and it seems spring is here. The Russians say it is very unusual- but there are no complaints from me. I wanted to attach a picture here of my walk home from the metro station, but, alas I am unable to. I can't wait for May, when the botanic gardens here at the Uni will be in full bloom. :)

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Bewildering, Bonkers and Brilliant

Today being my first official day of classes, I thought I would do another update. This time I thought I would describe what has struck me about Moscow so far using words beginning with the letter ‘B’.


BIG in every way

I may have mentioned this before- but Moscow is a BIG place. Today I thought I was going to be early for a class so hung out at the history faculty for a bit. But it then actually took 30 minutes at walking pace to get to the next building and I only just made it in time. You can’t go anywhere without discovering some massive building or random inexplicable sculpture. After a wander near the university building I randomly stumbled across a huge building in which was housed a “children’s educational musical theatre”. On Friday I met up with my friend Zhenia in the centre of Moscow, and we went and looked at some other big buildings and stuff. 

View of the Moskva River
On bridge (I forget the name) with Kremlin behind.
Zhenia in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
The world's ugliest statue?:


I was warned of this, but it has required a lot of patience to jump through the many hoops of studying at the university. One moment of particular frustration was being told last week that my student ID couldn’t be completed as the photo I had given was shiny (rather than matt) and therefore not suitable.


This dude...


Look at this lovely view…

Beautiful people

This particularly refers to women, and specifically the students I see wandering around campus. I remember the frequency of high-heels from St Petersburg, but the ‘power-dressing’ here does have the effect of making me feel even shorter than I already am, and exceptionally dowdy. An older lecturer came into one of the offices I was waiting in last week, and her boots were so outlandishly fantastic that I had to take a picture. Yes, I did do it, and no, I am not ashamed. On a deeper level, I have also come across some people who a beautiful in a different sense: kind, interesting and willing to help.

Why wear ordinary shoes when you can wear blue boots with incredibly high heels?


I have been of a few adventures try to navigate myself around. My lovely neighbour invited me to dinner with some of her friends, and told me one of them would walk down with me. At the last minute the girl couldn’t and so I had to find my way to a Korean restaurant 30 minutes’ walk away from the university. I actually exceeded my own expectations and made it to the hotel where the restaurant (with a little help over the phone in English…) I saw a sign welcoming me to Seoul and breathed a sigh of relief. After all, how many Korean restaurants could there be in this hotel?... It turns out at least 5. Not being able to get through to my friend and find out the name of the restaurant, I wandered from restaurant to restaurant before eventually finding them. I was greeted by a warm welcome, praised for my ingenuity and then got to eat tasty food, so the long journey had definitely been worth it! Another adventure was on Sunday, when I attempted to get to church. Arriving at the correct metro station, I was confused as to why I couldn’t find the church anywhere. Eventually getting through to the church office, I worked out that I had only read the first line of instructions on the website and that I had to get to a tram afterwards. Praying like mad, I eventually found myself at the correct tram station, but then realised I had no idea how to pay. Thankfully an older man and woman somehow could decipher my panicked Russian (or perhaps my vivid facial expressions) and I successfully managed to pay and stumble onto the tram. Still not sure where I needed to get off, I tried to ask the friendly old lady where I should go. Then a younger woman piped up that she was travelling to the same church. PHEW. A very quick answer to prayer… That being said, the metro system here is amazing and not actually that hard to use.

Bloomin’ marvellous

Sorry, I ran out of things beginning with B and I wanted to talk about woman’s day and flowers. We don’t celebrate it in England, which I think is a shame. The celebration has roots in the Socialist Party and working rights movements. In modern Russia it is basically just a day for boyfriends/husbands/sons /daughters to give their girlfriends/wifes/mothers flowers or gifts. There was something really lovely about seeing every other person carrying flowers, either to give to someone else or having just received them. The dinner on Saturday night was supposed to also be a birthday celebration, but the birthday girl (who I am yet to meet) was ill and so I kept the flowers I had bought for her for myself… It’s feminist to give yourself flowers, right?!

Anyway, on that deep note I shall finish. Thanks for reading. 

Monday, 3 March 2014

First Impressions

As I write I am watching the Russian version of “The Voice”, which I am justifying as there is some Russian spoken now and again and my Russian flatmate was watching it yesterday.  It’s only been 3 days (or more like 2.5 days), but I wanted to get down my first impressions as quickly as possible.

Moscow, as I thought it would be, is HUGE. Everything is on a scale that I have never experienced. It’s generally far easier and safer to use the underground passes rather than risk crossing any roads. There are so many large, impressive buildings around the place, particular near the centre of Moscow. But where I live is also rather impressive-looking. I will be studying here at the Moscow State University for the next 3 months, getting Russian classes and attempting to understand some lectures about the history of politics in Russia. The metro system is similar to the underground, except they are far more ornately designed, something that dates back to the Soviet era, as does my university’s campus.

The Bolshoi Theatre
The main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University at night (LOOK, there's snow)

I arrived at around 3pm on Saturday at the airport, after which my amazing friend/saviour Zhenia took me the whole way to the front of the university. She couldn’t come inside with me, as they are very strict on security. The need to show ID when entering any university building and then again for my accommodation will take getting used to. It doesn’t help that I only have my visa as a means of proof, as I am yet to receive any sort of student card. I try to alternate my facial expression between panic-stricken and self-assured. The latter is admittedly harder for me at this stage, but I shall keep trying. :P Yesterday I managed to get myself to the metro station and meet Zhenia in town, where we wandered around enjoying the “shrovetide celebrations”- like pancake day, except lasting a week and involving people dressed like they’re from the middle ages. We also made it to Red Square, despite seeing police blockades near there earlier in the day.

Me next to St Basil's cathedral

View of Red Square with St. Basil's Cathedral in the distance
Today was a day of queuing really. I won’t bore you with all the details but it did involve seeing some more of the university. It is made up of lots of different maHUssive buildings. I live in the central building and the history department is about 7 minutes walk away. The picture below is of the main site, with the statue of Mr Lomonosov. That is, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, a Russian “polymath” according to Wikipedia and in honour to whom the University changed its official title to include his name in 1940. 

The main building of MSU, with Mr Lomonosov
I managed to find my way to the various offices around the site and at the right times, which I am rather proud of. This was made somewhat tricky in the main site, where only certain lifts could go to certain floors. Yet the numbers on the lifts seemed to bear no relation to this. In any case, it has been a day full of bureaucracy, but not without its amusing moments. I entered one office, where a woman behind the desk was hidden somewhat by the smoke coming from her cigarette, and who told me to wait outside for a minute. Seeing people smoke so publicly indoors is very alien to me, as the smoking ban has been in place in the UK for a while now. Another bizarre moment was paying for my rent. The juxtaposition of pictures of kittens, puppies and horses covering the walls with the rather stern accountant taking my money was oddly reminiscent of Professor Umbridge from Harry Potter- remember her? That being said, generally the stern demeanour I encounter does not mean people are unhelpful, just not as smiley as I am used to!

Anyway, one very important goal for tomorrow is to get myself a kettle, without which I am struggling somewhat haha. Another challenge is the lack of fridge, even in the kitchen. Its currently cold enough on the window sill that I think my yoghurts will survive the next few days, but what about milk?! Will I have to succumb to using long-life milk? Jokes aside, food and drink has been one of the biggest culture shocks thus far. Drinking anything but tap water is a no-no here in Moscow, which will mean constant trips to get water from the kiosk downstairs or the supermarket 15 mins walk away. Also, my Russian food vocabulary is laughable limited. This evening there was this really tasty looking meat and rice dish. Knowing only the word for rice, I tried to get by. But instead of the dish I wanted, which turned out to be called “plov”, I just got rice and veggies. That being said, my disappointment at communication failure means I now know the name of a new dish, hurrah. Yesterday I went for the tactic of choosing anything I knew the name of.

Right, I shall stop here. Well done for slogging through a surprising long post for only 3 days…